Happy 2018

We are back from the Christmas and New Year break and looking forward to another successful year at Body Revolution.  Stay tuned - there will be some exciting new and different activities this year.  Sharon is planning a Women's Health Escape weekend, to be held in the first half of the year.  And along with Ruani, our resident vocal teacher, we are going to run, for the first time ever, a Body Revolution Community Choral Group!  We've already picked the name - Fandango.  There will be 2 six week blocks, one mid year and one at the end of the year.   We will keep you up to date with newsletters and the usual social media so remember to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram (bodyrevolutionpilates).
There's been a few changes at Body Revolution:

Staff News:

Anne will be returning in March after having her gorgeous baby boy, Cadel.

We sadly said farewell to Cath, who has moved to Laos with her husband and children.

We welcome Nadia to the team, who will be taking some of the mat classes.

Cristiane will be back at the studio in mid-February after her family holiday overseas.

Anouk will be undertaking a studio Pilates instructors’ course to complete her full diploma with PITC (Pilates International Training Centre).

Kathryn, our much loved admin manager, is finally and bravely taking the plunge to undertake her Pilates instruction training through PITC also.

There's also been a few minor changes to the timetable with the addition of some small group studio sessions plus a few extra kids duet studio sessions.  Click here to go to the website and see the new timetable.
There has been a slight increase of $2 per class this year, our first price rise in 3 years.
Don't forget that Zanne, our Massage therapist, has appointments available if you are in need of a great massage.  Contact the studio for more information or to make a booking.
Best wishes

Studio NewsSharon Porter